The rising number of plugged-in electric devices in our workplaces is troubling; computers, UPS systems, printers, fountains, instant hot water dispensers, air conditioners, smart-light switches…the list is endless.
Imagine your electrical devices in sweet slumber. Your office is so peaceful; everything is still except for this one thing–your electricity meter. It’s always spinning like crazy. Guess what, you are a victim of energy vampires—appliances and devices that continually suck up power, even when switched off.
There’s no doubt then that the “always on” mode eats up energy dollars every time. What’s more, when your always-on devices guzzle up electricity day and night, additional pressure is exerted on the nationwide power plants.
All in all, there’s good news. There’re easy and inexpensive ways that can provide your business with immediate opportunities to become more energy efficient through idle load reduction.
Stop Wasting Electricity, Eliminate Vampire Power
We are all culprits of energy wastage through devices on idle load–a serious problem that has emerged with the advent of technology. From air conditioners, heating systems, traditional incandescent light bulbs, to set-top boxes, and networked devices, we nurse many energy vampires that always leak our energy at our workplace. And it’s approximated that over $80 billion is wasted on electricity for online devices alone.
With the increase in electronic controls and displays in our offices, most gadgets stay connected to power and internet 24/7, hence adding to the rise in demand for energy to power these devices which are otherwise idle.
There are many companies today that are working on more effective ways to conserve energy. Most of them are installing energy monitoring equipment such as controllers and smart meters. RJ Consulting supports them by using advanced analytics to determine and recommend the best measures for saving energy.
What is Idle Load Electricity Use?
Also known as “baseload”, idle load electricity consumption refers to equipment left in off or “standby” mode yet still draw power; device in “sleep mode” but ready to power up instantly; and devices that are inactive but left fully on.
In most cases, the always-on power provides little if any benefit to the consumer since most of these devices don’t perform their core functions and users don’t use them actively.
Notably, if all commercial premises in the United States could eliminate their idle load for always-on devices, consumers could save a whopping $8 billion on their utility bills every year and prevent the carbon footprint by 44 million metric tons worth of carbon dioxide pollution.
What needs to be Done Now?
Achieving significant reductions through proper control of the always-on energy is a process that must involve policy makers, appliance manufacturers as well as consumers.
While consumers can take action to mitigate the impact of always-on loads on utility bills, they should also purchase the most energy efficient electronics, appliances and other gadgets—look for gadgets with the EPA’s ENERGY STAR® label which identifies the highest performing makes and models.
Manufacturers should also design products that minimize idle power and guarantee efficient performance. And this can only be achieved if the DOE implements idle load efficiency standards.
Obviously, the first step to minimizing the effect of idle-load time is to unplug electronics when not in use. Energy vampires such as air conditioners can be plugged into smart power strips which use sensors and timers that automatically turn them off until their next use.
By ensuring that equipment, electronics and other electrical devices use as much electricity as that which is only necessary when inactive, the commercial and industrial sectors can significantly save money and energy.
Wondering how much energy your electronic devices gobble in your business? Contact RJ Consulting now to help you identify, assess and eliminate vampire load consumption.
Sound energy use by all businesses can have a significant impact on global emissions. Furthermore, optimizing energy consumption can help eliminate the need to set up new costly energy infrastructure, saving consumers and utilities money. This, combined with the transparency and convenience of your utility cost and usage, budgeting, and meter data; you get the best-in-class data analysis and validation.